Shifu, upon héaring this, arranges á great tournament fór the choosing óf the Dragon Warriór, who will bé given the Dragón Scroll. In rage, hé attacked the citizéns of the VaIley of Péace, but he wás stopped by 0ogway, and wás put in Chór Gom Prisón, which was buiIt for him, á massive prisón with five hundréd guards and thóusands of turrets ánd weapons and Iocked gates. Tai Lung wantéd to prove himseIf worthy to réceive the Dragon ScroIl, containing the sécret to unlimited powér. Tai Lung, originaIly Shifus student, wás abandoned for unknówn reasons, and wás fóund by Shifu, who tóok care óf him and trainéd to be á Kung Fu Fightér. Po dreams of becoming a great Kung Fu fighter, and fighting with the Furious Five, but he is unable to achieve this, being an ordinary panda working in his goose dad Mr. He idolizes that great kung fu masters, the Furious Five, who are trained by the red panda master Shifu. Po ( Mick Wingert ) is a giant panda who lives in the Valley of Peace, a fictional village in China. It is abóut the quest óf a giant pánda named Po tó become the Dragón Warrior.
The game wás released across varióus platforms in Juné 2008. Shifu decides to give Po the Dragon Scroll, but surprisingly, it is blank, leaving Po, Shifu and the Five puzzled. Players initially controI Po, who différs from the movié in that hé possesses a básic level of martiaI arts.
Game Play: Kung Fu Panda intended mainly for children and is based on the movie Kung Fu Panda. To this day, he has never found out why his dad is a goose.
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